
Through CRM implementations and optimizations, we help our nonprofit clients operate and fundraise more efficiently so they can serve more people, solve societal and environmental challenges, and make the world better.

95% User Adoption of HubSpot CRM

Every Meal’s systems and processes were not able to fully capture relational touch points or partnership details resulting in a lot of manual processes.  This posed a significant risk to Every Meal’s mission to fight child hunger. 



Addressing Your Operational Hurdles

hubspot-crm-case-studyManaging, and reporting on, grants and donations 

hubspot-crm-case-studyComplex tax reporting on constituents / household for reporting on Soft Credits / Hard Credits

hubspot-crm-case-studyReplacing outdated technology and manual processes to create better employee and constituent experiences

hubspot-crm-case-studyIntegrating the CRM with Fundraise Up, Netsuite, and other tools

Every Meal Partnering with Denamico


Aligned teams with CRM, boosted efficiency, 95% adoption, 35 hours saved.

Lack of Data Access: Accessing key partnership data was challenging, preventing teams from effectively managing relationships with sponsors, sites, donors, and volunteers.

Process Alignment: Teams struggled to align processes with clear use cases and outcomes, leading to inefficiencies and miscommunication.

Manual Processes: Manual processes slowed down operations, making scalability difficult without a more automated solution.

CRM integration gave Every Meal full visibility into stakeholder relationships, streamlining communication and improving key partnerships.

Automation reduced manual tasks, saving 35 hours per week, and allowed efficient management of sponsors, donors, and volunteers.

Denamico ensured 95% CRM adoption through strategies and support, leading to seamless integration and continuous growth.

95% User Adoption in the CRM
35 Hours per week saved in people hours


Unlock our Secret Sauce: The ABCs to ROI

The process of setting up HubSpot to support you growth can be complex and time-consuming, which is why using a proven methodology is essential. By using The ABCs to ROI methodology, you can avoid common pitfalls, minimize errors, and ultimately save time and resources for a faster time to value.


We dig into your business goals, challenges, and processes to develop a comprehensive plan and design the solution architecture for your HubSpot instance.


We will build and deploy the defined solution architecture to  seamlessly integrate with your existing tech stack and include detailed documentation for your solution.


Drive your business toward operational excellence with ongoing consulting and support to maintain adoption and technical HubSpot support.


Denamico has been a great partner in our CRM transition to HubSpot and as we learn the new system. Whether it's a technical question or a strategic one, they've helped with it all. The knowledge and reliability they provide are so valuable.

Andrea Salazar
Marketing Manager, Every Meal


Denamico Logo Mark


Let's Talk CRM!

At Denamico, we love helping people maximize HubSpot to achieve growth.

Whether you're new to HubSpot or looking to consolidate your systems, let's start with a complimentary consultation to pinpoint some areas where HubSpot can do more for you and your business.